Literati 2: Say What?!

Say what?! We use words everyday of our lives to communicate with other people, but how often do our points get across?
Venue: The Substation Guinness Theatre
Admission: Admission by donation
Contact: 91813142
Verena Tay
Verena Tay brings stories vocally and physically alive in her unique fashion, drawing from her twenty-year experience in acting, directing and writing for local English-language theatre. Together with Kamini Ramachandran with whom she founded MoonShadow Stories in November 2004, Verena has been telling stories at The Substation, the Armenian Church, local museums and within the community, much to the delight and enjoyment of adults and children. An active storyteller with Talespin and the Storyteller’s Circle, Verena is also a founding member of the Storytelling Association (
An Associate Artist with The Substation since 2002, she is also the President and a founding member of
Ferlin Jayatissa
Ferlin Jayatissa was trained as a lawyer and now teaches Law. He has always been enthralled by stories from the very first time he was read one at 5. He began storytelling unofficially as weaver of tales amongst his mor gullible little cousins at the age of 6 and gave his first public storytelling at the age of 35 as a guest storyteller of MoonShadows. Now he tells, writes and stages stories as his passion because in the crevices of all tales, lay obscure, oft pungent but always enlightening truths.
Lion City DIY is a collective of independent and progressive minded writers, musicians and artists. Seelan Palay and Sha Najak are representing LCDIY this time round, but expect a guest appearance or two by other members!
Chris & Clare Murphy
Twins Chris & Clare Murphy are exploring theatre studies through music, drama, and writing. They are Grade 10 students at
Linda Joelle Ong of Lunarin
Linda Ong is the singer and bass player of local alternative rock band, Lunarin. She enjoys reading and appreciates the power of words. As almost all Lunarin songs were born out of an acoustic guitar and random nonsensical phrasings, Linda shall attempt to go back to basics for Literati in order to expose the songs in a different way.
Yee Chang Kang of Typewriter
Yee Chang Kang is a singer-songwriter & fronts indie-superband TypeWriter. His previous band, The Ordinary People have released 2 CD albums & 2 demo cassettes. TypeWriter owe its brand of music to the Pop-Underground movement. Filled with exuberance, Pop Underground is distinguished by power-pop's hallmarks -- infectious melodies, thoughtful lyrics & ringing guitars – basically a great love for the craft of songwriting. Besides fronting TypeWriter, Chang Kang is also an ardent film-maker. His quirky short films have been screened at film festivals in
Platform (The Label)